When your baby starts feeling tired, they show it in ways that can be subtle or very clear. Each baby has their own unique set of tired signals. Recognizing these signs can be key to setting up good sleep habits.
Knowing your baby's sleep cues can help you catch those early cues and put your baby to sleep before they get cranky or overtired. It can also also crucial for figuring out the best sleep schedule for your baby and tweaking it as needed.
Both adults and babies tiredness are regulated by two things: The circadian rhythm (which involves darkness and routines leading to melatonin release) and sleep pressure. Sleep pressure builds up the longer we're awake and resets after a good nights sleep.
Babies and toddlers need daytime naps because they are more sensitive to sleep pressure than adults. Depending on their age, they can only stay awake for a certain period before needing sleep, known as their "wake window." Days packed with activities or new experiences can also make them tired faster, making the wake window shorter.
Sleep cues are the little clues that show your baby is ready for sleep. Every baby is different—some have lots of obvious signs, while others might be more subtle. To get started on understanding your baby's tired signs, keep an eye on how long they've been awake. Napper can help you figure out the ideal wake window for your baby. Pay close attention as the wake window is about to close—do you notice any recurring signs?
Less interest in what's going on around them
Slowing down
Losing interest in play
Less interaction with you
Looking drowsy
Glassy eyes
Staring off into space
Heavy eyelids
Red eyebrows
Suddenly becoming active again
Getting fussy during play
Being cranky or crying
Hard to settle down
Difficulty being held or put to sleep
Arching their back when you hold them
Understanding your baby's unique tired signs helps you get them ready for naps or bedtime smoothly, avoiding overtiredness. It's also good for your peace of mind, allowing you to prepare for sleep in a way that helps both of you relax and recharge.
Catching those early tired signs can be a game-changer. If your baby starts to wind down and seems less interested in their surroundings, especially at the end of their wake window, it's the perfect time to start the bedtime routine.
Maybe you'll have time to change their diaper before they get too fussy, or get ready for a calm walk. This way, you're all set for nap time right when tiredness hits, and your baby has had time to calm down. Or, if you spot those tired signs, you might decide to stay home from a drive or walk, letting your baby sleep where you can catch a break too.
Getting to know your baby's signals for tiredness means you're more likely to spot when they're ready for sleep, even if it's off their usual schedule. If they've had a day full of stimulation or haven't napped well, they might need to sleep sooner. Keeping an eye on those sleep cues helps you adjust on days when the usual routine doesn't fit².
Noticing when your baby is tired can fine-tune your sleep routines, making them just right for your baby. Every baby is different, and the way your baby sleeps and develops is unique to them².
Napper lets you track your baby's sleep This gives the app more precise info to work with, offering customized nap and sleep schedules that fit your baby perfectly, based on both your observations and vast amounts of sleep data.
1. Tom Deboer. Sleep homeostasis and the circadian clock: Do the circadian pacemaker and the sleep homeostat influence each other’s functioning? Neurobiol Sleep Circadian Rhythms. 2018 Jun; 5: 68–77. Published online 2018 Mar 1. doi: 10.1016/j.nbscr.2018.02.003, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6584681/
2. How Babies Sleep: The Gentle, Science-Based Method to Help Your Baby Sleep Through the Night